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 Camille Gillyboeuf 

The “Extraordinary of Everyday” series is a focus on the unappreciated aspects of our world that is taken day by day. It is my desire to explore the beauty and wonder of the perceived normative experience, observing the banal everyday situations through an unfiltered lens and providing narrative for an audience to follow.

In search of artistic purity, most of my compositions suggest a narrative purpose where the sense of wonder is mingled with mystery. My charcoal drawings and monotypes give an impression of movement and reality while eluding the viewer in the simplest way.


Facebook: Camille Gillyboeuf (artist)


Linkedin: Camille Gillyboeuf (Visual Artist)

"The Extraordinary of Everyday"

"The Extraordinary of Everyday"

oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm, 2016

"Dans l'Atelier"

"Dans l'Atelier"

oil on canvas, 60 cm x 75 cm, 2016

"Alex and Adelaide"

"Alex and Adelaide"

oil on canvas, 60 x 75 cm, 2016



charcoal on paper, A3, 2016

"I carry your heart with me(I carry it in)" charcoal on paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Mahjong Part Two"

"Mahjong Part Two"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Mahjong Part Three"

"Mahjong Part Three"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Mahjong Part One"

"Mahjong Part One"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Video Games"

"Video Games"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Trendy Trixy"

"Trendy Trixy"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016 NFS

"Nervous Nelly"

"Nervous Nelly"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Armo et Cam"

"Armo et Cam"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016 NFS



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Second-born Child"

"Second-born Child"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"Men like Meat"

"Men like Meat"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

"14th of July 2016"

"14th of July 2016"

dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016



dark field monotype on Archer paper, A3, 2016

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