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Suzie Salisbury

In my latest body of work, too late... to save myself from falling, I am exploring how our inner emotions can be expressed through the landscape and how our environment mimics and even influences the way we feel.

Happy, sad or anything in between, our emotions are complex and our moods can change in an instant or linger for long periods of time.

In a similar way, nature changes from hot to cold, windy to still and seems to replicate the subtleties of our own feelings. Using two images combined together I have painted the female figure in a landscape that hints at what is going on internally.

In a subtle or sometimes more obvious way I have conveyed feelings such as vulnerability, strength, fear and determination.

I hope to evoke a response in the viewers of my work that move them in some way and that they perhaps can relate to. In my previous body of work my theme was life, hope and happy endings. 



oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2016



oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2016



oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2016



oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2016



oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2016



oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2016

"Butterflies I"

"Butterflies I"

oil and acrylic on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2015

"Butterflies II"

"Butterflies II"

oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2015

"Bird Skeleton"

"Bird Skeleton"

oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2015

"Owl at Sunrise"

"Owl at Sunrise"

oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2015

"Owl Watching Over Me"

"Owl Watching Over Me"

oil on canvas, 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm, 2015

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